Are you looking for a competent and attentive general practitioner in Charleroi? Dr Alvarez Walter is the professional for you.
Specialising in general medicine, he offers a range of services including consultations, blood tests, vaccinations, treatment renewals and much more.

General practice

With many years’ experience as a general practitioner, Dr Walter Alvarez has built up a solid reputation with his patients in Charleroi. He has a wide range of skills to meet your health needs, from general consultations to more specific care.

Office open Monday to Friday.

Diary schedule

8.30 a.m to 11.30 a.m

3pm to 7pm

General Practitioner in Charleroi
- Dr. Alvarez Walter Dr Alvarez Walter

General consultations

Dr Alvarez provides general consultations for patients of all ages, including children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. These appointments allow us to assess your overall health and detect any medical problems before they become serious. Regular follow-up with your GP is essential to prevent complications and maintain your well-being.

Blood test

To help diagnose and treat various illnesses, Dr Alvarez takes blood samples. These tests are carried out in his surgery, and the results are generally available within a few days. Blood tests are used to analyse various elements of the blood, such as blood counts, glucose levels, lipids and hormones.

Vaccination is an effective way of preventing certain potentially serious infectious diseases. Dr Walter Alvarez offers a range of vaccinations to protect your health and that of your family. He also provides regular follow-up to check the status of your vaccinations and advise you on any necessary updates.

A simple process in just a few clicks

To make an appointment, please contact me on 04 72 70 16 15 or fill in the contact form below. I will get back to you as soon as possible to confirm your appointment. Thank you

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Complementary services for comprehensive care

Complementary services for comprehensive careIn addition to his skills in general medicine, Dr Alvarez also offers a number of other services to meet your specific needs.

Renewal of treatment

If you are taking a long-term course of medication, it is essential to renew it regularly to avoid any interruptions. Dr Alvarez provides this service and, if necessary, adapts the dosage according to changes in your state of health.


Choosing the right contraceptive method for you is crucial to preventing an unwanted pregnancy. Dr Alvarez will advise you on the different options available and guide you in choosing the contraceptive best suited to your situation.

STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

Screening and treatment for STDs are essential to protect your sexual health. Dr Alvarez offers specific consultations to detect, treat and prevent these infections, as well as informing you about how to protect yourself and how to behave.


This medical examination is used to check that your heart is functioning properly and to detect any cardiac abnormalities. Dr Alvarez carries out electrocardiograms in his surgery, for a rapid diagnosis and appropriate treatment if necessary.

Our patient reviews

Our office is located in

Avenue du Centenaire 2, 6061 Montignies-sur-Sambre